
Fiction Writers Review

Anjali Mitter Duva, the critically acclaimed author of Faint Promise of Rain, interviews Jessica Levine about Nothing Forgotten in Fiction Writers Review, April 2018. The topics include irrational behavior, writing about Italy and France, and translation.

Deborah Kalb Books Blog

Author and book reviewer Deborah Kalb interviews Jessica Levine about "Nothing Forgotten" on her blog, Deborah Kalb Books. On the agenda: how "Nothing Forgotten" relates to "The Geometry of Love," as well as to authors such as Pablo Neruda, Henry James, and Chiara Gamberale.

The American Library in Paris

Jessica Levine and April Eberhardt at The American Library in Paris, 24 February 2015. An author and agent in conversation about writing and publishing. Watch on YouTube.

Virginia Pye

Virginia Pye’s interview with Jessica Levine.

The Nervous Breakdown

The Nervous Breakdown self-interview. That’s right. I got to interview myself.

Paris (Im)perfect

Interview with Sion Dayson in Paris (Im)perfect, March 26, 2015.


Excerpt from The Geometry of Love at The Nervous Breakdown.

Excerpt from The Geometry of Love in